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Assemblage sculpture titled "Yesterday" used in Family Migration Project. The hat was used for dress up when I ws a child. Facial features came from my Great Grandmother's button box. Crochet collar came from an estate sale and the necklace came from the floor of my classroom when I was teaching.


Understanding by Design information graphic.


"Eye of the Tiger" is for the Digital Image class where we integrated images to make it seem realistic.


"The News" piece integrates images from online, magazines, and personal photographs.


"Sarah Palin on the set of True Blood" incorporates image of Sarah Palin and magazine images to create a believeable image when viewed.


"Cyborg Julia" integrates myself into the future as a cyborg where I am portrayed as a futuristic mother nature creating mechanized creatures.


"Illegal Aliens" is a collage integrating a variety of images from sources of magazines, online, books, scanned to create a comment on a current social issue.


"The American Dream" is a collage that integrates images from books, online, and magazines commenting on weather these dreams will be attainable for future generations.


The last two images pertain to my "Adopt Out Project". Following in the format of the artist of JR I used the plight of dogs and cats who need adoption to create a photographic presentation to make the community aware. The first image is in an alleyway while the second image is my neighborhood Petco. 


"Globalization and Me"!globalization-and-me/cukj


The "Meow" in Youth Artistic Development!/c1opo


Viktor Lowenfeld's book and stage theory unified in one poster. 







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